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New Nature Tours in Estonia – Coming in 2025!

We are excited to introduce new and unique tour packages for 2025, developed in collaboration with our nature tourism members and industry partners. These tours are designed to offer authentic and immersive experiences, combining adventure, local culture, and Estonia’s pristine nature.

From multi-day kayaking trips and winter adventures to wellness retreats, birdwatching tours, and cultural expeditions, there’s something for every traveler, group, and season. Whether you seek thrilling outdoor activities, relaxing nature retreats, or deep cultural connections, these new tours will create unforgettable memories in Estonia’s breathtaking landscapes.

📍 The tour packages are currently in development and will be finalized by the end of February. Stay tuned for more details and be among the first to explore Estonia’s most exciting nature experiences in 2025!

New tours are coming 2025

1. Multi-Day Kayak Tour of Small Islands

Duration: 4–5 days
Highlights: Kayaking among small islands in the Baltic Sea, hiking on the islands, visiting local harbor villages, enjoying wild food experiences, and overnight stays in tents or small island accommodations.
Unique Feature: The small islands and untouched beaches offer peace and privacy.


2. Winter Adventure in Nature

Duration: 3 days, 2 nights
Highlights: Winter cross-country skiing, snowshoe hikes on snowy trails, overnight stays in nature or at a forest farm. Evening campfires and workshops featuring outdoor cooking.
Unique Feature: Includes sled dogs, snowshoes, and sauna experiences in snowy landscapes – a truly unique adventure.


3. Day Trip: Nature, Food, and Culture

Duration: 1 day
Highlights: Morning hike in a bog landscape with a local guide, lunch at a forest restaurant serving local and organic dishes, and an afternoon visit to a local farm or artisan workshop.
Unique Feature: A combination of culture, food, and nature in a single day – perfect for a short city or nature getaway.


4. Tailor-Made Wellness Retreat

Duration: 3 days
Highlights: Yoga and forest walks, sauna rituals, meditation in the forest, and foraging adventures. Overnight stays near a spa or in nature.
Unique Feature: A focus on well-being and reconnecting with nature – ideal for those looking to recharge and rejuvenate.


5. Multi-Day Hiking and Cycling Tour with Local Life

Duration: 7 days
Highlights: Hiking and cycling tours, visits to villages and nature reserves, interactions with local families, sauna experiences, and preparing wild food. The tour explores various regions of Estonia.
Unique Feature: Immersive nature experiences combined with cultural exploration through local encounters and outdoor activities.


6. Christmas-Time "Winter wonderland" Experience

Duration: 2 days, 1 night
Highlights: Snowshoeing on snowy trails, overnight stay in a forest farm or a "Small Lapland"-themed camping area, evening sauna, traditional Christmas food, and stargazing.
Unique Feature: Winter magic and tranquil nature, with an opportunity to enjoy Christmas traditions in a natural setting.


7. Adventurous Combo Tour on Small Islands

Duration: 4 days
Highlights: Daytime hikes and cycling, kayaking tours around small islands, and overnight stays in tents or local villages. Evenings by the campfire under the stars, featuring workshops on crafts or nature themes.
Unique Feature: A combined hiking and water adventure, ideal for small groups seeking new experiences.


8. Multi-Day Birdwatching and Nature Tour

Duration: 5 days
Highlights: Visits to various nature reserves offering opportunities to observe birds, including rare species. Guided excursions with a local expert, nature mornings, and evenings.
Unique Feature: Focused on birdwatching and nature – perfect for nature enthusiasts seeking in-depth observation experiences.


9. Multi-Day Culture and Adventure Combo Tour in the Baltics

Duration: 9 days (3 days in each Baltic country)
Highlights: Unique cultural and nature experiences in each country, such as hiking in national parks, sauna ceremonies, savoring local cuisine, attending local festivals, and participating in artisan workshops.
Unique Feature: Explore the entire Baltic region in one trip, blending culture, nature, and local traditions.



10. Educational and Adventure Tour for Students

Duration: 5 days
Highlights: A mix of nature education and cultural experiences, including adventure hikes, nature camps, forest sleepovers, and learning about local traditions.
Unique Feature: Designed for younger generations to provide an educational and entertaining nature experience.


If you have any questions or additional requests, please feel free to write to us or let us know, and we can arrange an online meeting.

+372 5105441


Ühingu asutamise ajendiks oli selle asutanud ettevõtjate soov senisest enam teadvustada Eesti kui kõrge väärtusega loodusriigi maine ja kuvandi olulisust ja selle säilitamise ja parendamise vajadust nii Eestis kui rahvusvaheliselt.

Loodusturismi ettevõtjad on veendunud, et loodusriigi kuvand on rahvusvaheliselt oluline mitte üksnes turismisektori eduks, vaid aitab kaasa Eesti maine ning majanduse ja kultuuriruumi edendamisele laiemalt.


Loodusturismi ettevõtjad panustavad, et Eesti looduse ühisvara kasutamisel loodusturismi ning teiste mitteutilitaarsete keskkonnakasutuste osakaal majanduses sh. metsanduses hüppeliselt suureneks ning see põhimõte oleks nurgakiviks Eesti ökosüsteemse ning nutika tulevikumajanduse loomisel.

Nimetatud eesmärkide täitmiseks ning loodusturismi sektori arenguks soovib moodustatud ühing olla koostööpartneriks riigi loodusvarade kaitse- ja kasutamise, turismimajanduse, regionaalpoliitika jt. valdkondlike ning piirkondlikele otsustuskogudele.

Kui soovid ideid, infot või kutsuda ühingut rääkima Eesti loodusturismi tegevustest ja arengusuundadest, siis võta ühendust või helista telefonil 5105 441 projektijuht Marilin Pehkale.

Kutsume üles loodusturismiga seotud ettevõtjaid ühinguga liituma - tutvu tingimustega siin!

Ühingu projektijuht:

Marilin Pehka 

telefon 5105441

Juhatuse liikmed:

Aivar Ruukel

Bert Rähni
Kaisa Linno

Mart Reimann
Liina Steinberg

Triin Kallas

Toeta loodusturismi Ühingu tegevust: Eesti Loodusturismi Ühing

Reg. nr. 80547439

A/K EE732200221068858455

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